January 27 - Girl Waits With Gun

At our January 27th meeting, we skyped with Amy Stewart.  We were very fortunate to be able to speak directly with the author of our January pick, Girl Waits With Gun.  It was interesting to ask her about her characters, writing process, some of her favorite authors, and things she edited out of the book.  Thank you Amy Stewart!  

We also discussed what aspects of life in 1914 we wish had survived, but we had a really hard time recommending anything.  (There are a lot of things we are glad are much improved principally women's rights, modern conveniences, end of child labor, and OSHA laws!) We finally decided that public transportation was better then and people were more self sufficient (but that came at a high price).  For dessert we had Apple Crumb Tart with Cinnamon Cream and fresh fruit. Overall, we greatly enjoyed this meeting and the book.  Many of us will be reading the rest of the series, and we'd recommend it to anyone who enjoys historical fiction.


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