Women in the Castle - May 21

At our April meeting, we discussed the book, Killers of the Flower Moon.  It was very well received by the group and everyone felt that there hasn't been enough of Native American history taught at school.  We had cookies and turnovers from Frosted.

Our next book group is a week earlier than usual due to the Memorial Day holiday.  We will be meeting on Monday, May 21 at  3pm at the LME Library. We're discussing Women in the Castle by Jessica Shattuck.  Books can be picked up at the front desk and discussion sheets are also available for pickup or online.  

Summary for Women in the CastleThree women, haunted by the past and the secrets they hold. Amid the ashes of Nazi Germany's defeat, Marianne von Lingenfels returns to the once-grand castle of her husband's ancestors, an imposing stone fortress now fallen into ruin following years of war. The widow of a resister murdered in the failed July 20, 1944, plot to assassinate Adolf Hitler, Marianne plans to uphold the promise she made to her husband's brave conspirators: to find and protect their wives, her fellow resistance widows. As Marianne assembles this makeshift family from the ruins of her husband's resistance movement, she is certain their shared pain and circumstances will hold them together. But she quickly discovers that the black-and-white, highly principled world of her privileged past has become infinitely more complicated, filled with secrets and dark passions that threaten to tear them apart. Eventually, all three women must come to terms with the choices that have defined their lives before, during, and after the war--each with their own unique share of challenges.


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